Ukulele and Mantras are a great combination
The Ukulele is a very laid back instrument commonly associated with relaxation, holidays, gorgeous weather, sunshine and good times.
Our thoughts turn to Hawaii, the beautiful beaches, white sands, turquoise coloured waters, fragrant plumeria trees and sweet perfumed flower leis.
Ahhhh yes the ukulele ...! A relatively easy instrument to play and very popular simply because a base uke, (not a toy) costs around $30.00 which makes it affordable to the masses. This is a very important consideration. For most of us, finding money for extras is hard these days.
We have Ukulele lessons on every Monday except on public holidays.
Our lessons consist of learning popular tunes and fitting simple meditations to the tunes.
It's great fun!
A - ala, watchful, alertness
L - lokahi, working with unity
O - oia'i'o, truthful honesty
H - ha'aha'a, humility
A - ahonui, patient perseverance
L - lokahi, working with unity
O - oia'i'o, truthful honesty
H - ha'aha'a, humility
A - ahonui, patient perseverance
Very nice.
Here's another word for you - Gauranga.
It is easily pronounced in 4 syllables
Gaur - ra - ang - ga
This is one of the meditations we learn and sing along to in our ukulele lessons.
Practice saying it a few times each day before you come along so you will be prepared for ukulele lessons.
Gauranga means 'beautiful golden one'.
You are very welcome to come along and try ukulele for yourself.
We look forward to meeting you, a fellow ukulelian in the making.
Until then happy strumming.
If you would like more information on this event, leave a comment or a message along with your details. We will get back to you as soon as we can.